🔹 Requesting Media Stream

WebApp can request any files from the user accessible storage scope by making a HTTP request to the media endpoint. If you need backend processing after reading the file, use the filelib API instead.

Media Stream Request

To get a stream of media file from the server using virtual path, make a HTTP request to /media/ endpoint with ?file={{path}} GET parameter. Here is an example.

GET /media?file=user:/Desktop/music.mp3

By default the header do not include Content-Disposition or Content-Type. If you want to prompt the user to download the target file, add &download=true after your filename as follows.

GET /media?file=user:/Desktop/music.mp3&download=true

This method is only suitable for filenames that contains only ASCII characters and no special characters like + or ?. If you are not sure the filename of the user selected, use the /media/download/ endpoint instead.

Media Download Request

To start file download in a new browser tab, you can redirect user to the /media/download/ endpoint with ?file={{path}} parameter. Here is an example of such use cases.


The response will then contains the Content-Disposition and Content-Type header.

Media Transcode Request (v2.020+)

Video file real-time transcode can be done using the /media/transcode/ endpoint to serve your video. This mode allows video files that is not natively supported by web playback be streamed on the web-desktop interface.

GET /media/transcode?file=user:/Video/demo.rmvb

This API also support a few output resolution. Use &res={{resolution_enum}}to force output resolution. Supported resolution_enum as follows.

resolution_enum Matching ffmpeg scale
“360p” scale=-1:360
“720p” scale=-1:720
“1080p” scale=-1:1080
"" (Empty string or not set) (unset, default to the source file resolution)

Note that this function will redirect to /media/ endpoint if FFmpeg is not installed on the host running ArozOS.

Media MIME Request

The /media/getMime/ endpoint will return the target file’s MIME type as text/plain. Here is an example usage.

GET /media/getMime/?file=user:/Desktop/mysite.html

//Return "text/html"

By default, this API return “text/directory” for any unknown file MIME types.