🔸 appdata

An API for access files inside the web folder. This API only provide read only functions. Include the appdata lib as follows.


appdata functions

appdata.readFile("UnitTest/appdata.txt"); //Return false (boolean) if read failed
appdata.listDir("UnitTest/backend/"); //Return a list of files in JSON string

Example Usages

Read File


    This script test the appdata read file function.
    This should be able to read file 

//Require the appdata library
var succ = requirelib("appdata");

function main(){
    //Get a file from the UnitTest WebApp. This path is relative from the web root
    var webAppDataFileContent = appdata.readFile("UnitTest/appdata.txt");

    //Check if there are any error for reading the file
    if (webAppDataFileContent == false){
            error: "Unable to get appdata from app folder"
        //Success. Return the content of the file

if (!succ){
    //Library include failed.
    sendResp("Include Appdata lib failed. Is your ArozOS version too old?")
    //Library include succeed. Start reading from webroot

List Directory


    This script test the appdata read file function.
    This should be able to read file 

//Require the appdata library
var succ = requirelib("appdata");

function main(){
    //List all files within the UnitTest backend example library
    var backendExamples = appdata.listDir("UnitTest/backend/");

    //Check if there are any error for reading the file
    if (backendExamples == false){
            error: "Unable to list backend example library"
        //Success. Return the file list of the folder

if (!succ){
    //Library include failed.
    sendResp("Include Appdata lib failed. Is your ArozOS version too old?")
    //Library include succeed. Start listing backend folder