The iot library provide access to the iot hardware control endpoints (or endpoints for short) in a much easier to use abstraction. Note that not all iot devices are supported. If you have an unsupported iot device, please contribute a driver for your brand of iot devices.
//Include the library
iot.ready() //Return the iot manager status. Return true if ready, false otherwise.
iot.scan() //Force the iot manager to scan nearby iot devices
iot.list() //List nearby iot device, might be cached.
iot.connect(devid) //Connect to a given device using device id
iot.disconnect(devid) //Disconnect a given device using device id
iot.status(devid) //Get the status of an iot device given its device ID, ID can be accessed using DeviceUUID key form an iot device object.
iot.exec(devid, epname, payload); //Execute iot command using device id, endpoint name and payload (object).
iot.iconTag(devid) //Get the device icon name from the device id
"Desc":"Toggle the power of the smart switch",
"Name":"Toggle Power",
//hidden fields
"Model":"Sonoff S2X Smart Switch",
The following code do not handle errors. Please see iot.exec.js for a full example.
if (iot.ready() == true){
//Get device list from the iot manager
var deviceList = iot.list();
//Assume the first device is the one we want to control
var thisDevice = deviceList[0];
//Assume the first endpoint is the one we want to execute
var targetEndpoint = thisDevice.ControlEndpoints[0];
//Connect to the iot device
//Execute the endpoint and get response from iot device
var results = iot.exec(thisDevice.DeviceUUID, targetEndpoint.Name, {});
//Disconnect the iot device after use
if (results == false){
console.log("Something went wrong");
console.log("It works!" + JSON.stringify(results))
For detailed example for other functions, see the js file located at UnitTest/backend/iot.*.js