Request & Response

Front-end → Backend (AGI) Request

When requesting the AGI execution interface, you can post data with your request. ArozOS provides two way for front-end to request the AGI script placed in your ./web/ folder.

You can import ao_module.js and use the ao_module_agirun function call to execute a agi script. Here is an example.

//Call to helloworld.js with timeout set to 3 seconds
ao_module_agirun("demo/backend/helloworld.js", {
    foo: "bar"
}, function(resp){
    alert("Oops. Something went wrong!")
}, 3000);

To use the variable foo in your agi script, just use the automatic assigned variable foo

console.log(foo); //Print out "bar" in terminal
sendOK(); //Alert "OK" on front-end side

Request using JSON body payload

If you have a complex JSON structure to import into your AGI runtime, you can also use a JSON body as payload to request the execution endpoint.

fetch(ao_root + "system/ajgi/interface?script=demo/backend/json_demo.js", {
    method: 'POST',
    cache: 'no-cache',
    headers: {
    	'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
}).then(resp => {
    resp.json().then(data => {

or if you are using jQuery

    type: 'POST',
    url: ao_root + 'system/ajgi/interface?script=demo/backend/json_demo.js',
    data:  JSON.stringify ({"foo":"bar"}),
    success: function(data) { 
    contentType: "application/json",
    dataType: 'json'

ao_root is a global variable included in ao_module that gives something like ../../../ to locate the web root for you. Using /system/ajgi/interface might cause some issues for users who is proxying ArozOS as Virtual Directory.

Afterward, you can access your json payload as POST_data (string). To use your JSON object, just assign something as POST_data within your AGI script. Here is an example

let payload = POST_data;
console.log(; //Print out "bar" in terminal

Backend (AGI) → Front-end Response

To send response to front-end, use either of the following at the end of your script.

sendResp("string"); //Response header with text/plain header
sendJSONResp("json_string"); //Response request with JSON header
sendJSONResp(object) //Overload function for sending JSON response
sendOK(); //Reply OK in plain text

Example Usages

var message = "The sum of 1 + 1 is: " + (1 + 1);

var payload = {'foo':'bar'};

Customized Response Header

You can also send string with customized headers via agi. HTTP_HEADER is a global variable inside the AGI runtime where it is used to decide the response writer header. The default value is text/plain but you can change it to anything you need. For example, you can emulate an HTTP response from agi script as follows.

//Set Response header to html
HTTP_HEADER = "text/html; charset=utf-8";

//Send Response
sendResp("<p>HELLO WORLD!</p>");